Friends of Murphy is a completely volunteer-based organization, so we need many active participants to make the biggest impact at Murphy School. Below is an overview of our Board Member positions and duties. Each officer is elected to a 2 year term, other than President, which includes an additional year as Outgoing President as explained below and Members at Large which are elected annually. We hope you will decide to take a turn serving in a leadership position while you’re an active Murphy School parent!
President (elected in EVEN years):
- Oversee general operations, and work with other Board Members to set direction for Friends of Murphy to support Murphy School.
- Communicate with Murphy’s Principal, school faculty, and the LSC to align FOM’s mission with the needs of the school.
- Lead monthly FOM meetings and additional meetings when needed.
- Assign roles and responsibilities and offer support to Committee Chairs for events such as the walkathon and annual auction.
- Recruit volunteers and assign various roles and responsibilities throughout the school year.
- Act as an active liaison between FOM and Murphy PTO.
- Represent/speak as head of the organization at misc. school events.
Vice President (elected in ODD years):
- Attend monthly FOM meetings and additional meetings when needed.
- Fill in for President when President is unavailable (lead meetings, represent organization at community events, school events, and board meetings).
- Contribute as an active Board Member, assisting in setting direction for the organization.
Treasurer (elected in EVEN years):
- Attend monthly meetings and additional meetings when needed.
- Oversee the organization’s general fiscal management.
- Facilitate an annual budget.
- File (or facilitate filing of) state and federal financial reports.
- Handle, track, and report financial transactions and fundraising efforts.
- Present an updated report at monthly meetings.
- Contribute as an active Board Member, assisting in setting direction for the organization.
Secretary (elected in ODD years):
- Attend monthly meetings and additional meetings when needed.
- Contribute as an active Board Member, assisting in setting direction for the organization.
- Coordinate with other board members to write monthly meeting agendas.
- Keep and post accurate monthly meeting minutes.
- Internally post action items resulting from meetings.
- Manage membership lists (update/add new members, etc.).
Board Members At Large (elected EVERY year):
- Attend monthly meetings and additional meetings when needed.
- Contribute as an active Board Member, assisting in setting direction for the organization.
- Volunteer to be Chairperson for one event or fundraising initiative.